Brand EMAG ECM - Electro Chemical Machining

EMAG ECM GmbH, situated in Heubach, is the technology center for the area of Electro Chemical Machining. In machining terms, deburring is certainly not a core process. On the contrary, it is still being considered a necessary evil. 

Despite all the other machining operations having been optimally coordinated, the deburring operation again and again causes the economic viability of the whole process to decline, due to the fact that it has not been included in the process stream from the start.

With EMAG ECM GmbH the EMAG Group closes that loophole and offers – as the first company to do so – the whole process stream, including deburring, from a single source.

Electro Chemical Machining from one source:

  • Complete solutions
  • Developments
  • Prototype production
  • Consulting
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Am Flugplatz 1
73540 Heubach

Phone: +49 (0) 7173 / 91880

How to find us