Automation, manufacturing strategies, IoT - what are the key factors to really increase turned parts production?
In this webinar we are dealing with the technical aspects of increasing production efficiency in turned parts manufacturing. The focus is on the use of automation, manufacturing strategies and the Internet of Things (IoT).
The following topics will be covered during the webinar:
- Vertical pick-up turning machines: Learn about the advantages of these machines compared to conventional horizontal turning machines, including the integration of automation technologies, the small footprint and optimized chip disposal.
- Quality features of modern lathes: Water-cooled motor spindles, linear scales (LMS) in all axes, HP turret and the machine base made of mineralite from our own production.
- Exclusive insights into our production facilities: Take a look behind the scenes at our production facilities in Zerbst and Jintan and find out more about the vertical integration of our products.
- Practical application examples: Using concrete examples, we will show you the possible applications of automation solutions in turned parts production
Watch this recorded webinar and take the opportunity to expand your specialist knowledge and benefit from practical insights.
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